Intentionally Practice.

Explore the video collection via membership to the Yoga With Zaz platform, from just £15 per month (that’s less than a latte a day!), or you can choose to rent videos separately.

On the platform, you will find intentional and creative yoga sequences from Mellow to Dynamic, from 10mins long to 75mins, from yoga asana tutorials to workshops and classes.

The body is the mouthpiece of the soul, and in taking movement or stillness in our practice, we build not only outer strength and mobility, but also create space for being empowered, accepting and removing self judgement.

Access by clicking the title of the video collection. Payment options - either one off (pay per download) or from £15 per month, access the entire library of classes and more - includes a FREE 7 day trial


Me-time - moments to connect

This collection of shorter length videos (10-35mins) combines dynamic and mellow practices.

Use for those moments of me-time, when you are able to roll out your mat, breathe, and connect to yourself through a movement practice to bring peace, as well as strength and mobility in body and mind.

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joyful vinyasa

This is a collection of playful yoga sequences (60mins) with different themes to allow us to explore our practice with curiosity and joy!

Expect... the unexpected! Expect to be challenged, to wobble, to explore, to laugh (hopefully!), to go upside down, to connect to your playful side.

Click here to access

Mellow vinyasa

This collection of 60min Mellow Vinyasa Flows takes a less dynamic path to allowing you to press pause, while still gently moving the body through sequences to open, lengthen and release.

Click here to access


This collection of classes from 35-65min long, will take you on a journey of dynamic movement-based discovery through the mythology and meanings behind 10 yoga postures, and how their meanings relate to our practice and our lives.

Modifications and options always provided. You'll explore and practice variations of:
Lotus pose - Hanumasana (splits) - Low Lunge - Hero's Pose - Eagle Pose - Half Moon - Trikonasana - Koundinyasana - 8-Angle - Crow Pose

Click here to access


If your focus is on connecting deeply inwards to AND building strength and mobility, then these 2 collections are for you (click the titles to access):

Flow & Mobility - Creative Dynamic Vinyasa

This collection of creative and dynamic vinyasa yoga classes brings together classical yoga, with functional mobility, building strength, flexibility and creating inner awareness and powerful transformation for your practice.

Fridays are For… - Yoga, Strength & Mobility

This is a selection of some of the Friday morning classes that I teach live in person and online. The classes create a regular space for you to practice connecting to your body, and discovering what you are capable of.

Our yoga practice has the potential to be truly transformative, not only physically, as we work on strength and mobility, but also to allow us to access greater acceptance, self love and empowerment.

There is something a little bit magical about Mandala Vinyasa Yoga. Each of the sequences takes you on a journey around the mat in a circular fashion, rather than moving in a linear way, which encourages a more meditative practice, as we also move with dynamism and grace.

Each yoga sequence/class is based on one of the 4 elements, and a corresponding physical focus or chakra energy focus -
Air Element for Heart Openers / Backbends / Anahata Chakra
Earth Element for Hamstrings and Forward Folds / Mulhadara Chakra
Water Element for Hip Openers / Svadishtana Chakra
Fire Element for Twists / Manipura Chakra

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This collection of videos includes physical drills and workshops to strengthen key areas, access more space in the body, and some even activate parts of the brain that control certain levels of movement and flexibility in the body. Functional movement meets neuroscience.

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